Monday, August 07, 2006


Alhamdulillah, hari2 aku berjalan seperti biasa. Yang pentingnya bila berlalu shj hari semalam bermakna hari akan dtg (hari akhirat) semakin hampir... Bila?.. Entah esok...lusa...tulat..etc. Takde ape yg nak dicoretkan utk hari ini. Cume semalam ada peristiwa yg amat mengejutkan & menyedihkan aku....

Semalam sebelum blk ke melaka ni aku singgah ke MARSAH, Johor, utk berjumpa dgn jemaah-mate yg same2 keluar 40 hari dgn aku cuti lepas... Tak disangka aku terserempak dgn abg ..... (name adalah rahsia). Dia ni dulu x student madrasah Miftahul Ulum, sri petaling... Sekarang ni dia belajar di MARSAH.... Aku memang cukup mungenali dia sbb dia merupakan pelajar kesayangan pakcik aku & ustaz2 lain di madrasah dulu... Memang tawaduk orgnya dan kuat khidmat dgn maulana2... Selalu dia yg ambil tugas jadi bilal kat s.p. bila bilal elyas xde.. mase2 mula2 aku kenal dulu nampak nur pada wajahnya... Tapi sekarang semuanya berubah sejak dia keluar dari madrasah...

Perangai dia pun aku tgk dah lain... ntah la.. x tau nak ckp mcm mane lagi. Tu yg buat aku sedih n baru aku tersedar. Kalau org mcm ni yg dulu aku cukup kagum dgn sifatnya Allah boleh tukar dlm sekelip mata, x mustahil Allah juga boleh ubah aku... Ni yg aku cukup takut.. Lebih2 lagi kalau Allah keluarkan aku daripada manafaat usaha agama...

"Ya Allah, Kau yg memiliki hati hamba2mu.. Jgnlah Kau bolak-balikkan hatiku.. Tetapkanlah aku dalam taufiq dan hidayah Mu.. dan matikanlah aku dgn hidayahmu..
Ya Allah.. tambahkanlah hidayah dalam diriku.. kekalkanlah aku dalam hidayah Mu dan jadikan aku asbab hidayah seluruh alam.. Ya Allah.. terimalah aku dalam usaha agama Mu.. Kekalkanlah aku dalam usaha mulia ini sehingga hari kiamat... dan majukan aku dalam usaha ini.. Ya Rabbal a'lamin..."

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Kisah benar..

P/s: Post ni aku copy and paste utk di kongsi bersama..


So today, after Maghrib, i was in the New Territory Masjid; and after prayer an uncle got up and said that they were going to hold a little khutbah on eman. As i looked around i realized that the place was filled with Tablighi Jammaat people. The first things that came to my mind was how people complain about these brothers. Most of these complaints come from the way they act, the way they adhere to certain islamic beliefs, and when and what they preach. Im sure that some of you may have even heard them be the butt of many jokes.

So during the khutbah im sitting there and i realize, "man this is taking to long". Anyways, the brother began to mention that Sheikh Zubair of SE Houston once gave a khutbah, and in the khutbah he mentioned that 65% of converts to Islam become murtad. He said, "Whenever we[Tablighi Jammat] go to give dawah to people's houses, they turn us away.............

"When we go to the first man who prays just 5 times a day, he asks, why are you telling me this? Go to the man who only prays once a day."

"When we go to the second man who only prays once a day, he says: 'Dont you know that i pray everyday?' Go to the man who only prays Jumma."

"When we go to the man who only prays Jumaah, he says: 'Dont you know i attend Jummah salat every week? I never miss it!' Go to the man who only prays Eid."

"When we go to the man who only attends Eid prayer, he says: 'Why have you come to give me dawah? I dont need dawah, i pray Eid salat every year, im already a muslim.' Go to the Kufaar."

"When we go to the kufaar to give dawah, he points at the first man and says: "My neighbor prays 5 times a day, but his manner and the way he treats people like his wife and children, and his adaab is so awful. I dont ever want to be like that. Why should i be like that awful man? What good comes out of praying to your Lord, but not acting like a good person and having proper adaab?"

The brother went on to further say: "If those 65% one day came to the masjid and said we want to learn about Islam, or we need financial help, or our family has kicked us out of our help and me have become Muhahirs for the sake of Allah...or anything like that, homw many of us are willing to do anything to help them? How many doctors will say: "I cant be bothered, i have to see many patients tomorrow?" How many Engineers will say: "My boss needs soemthing due tomorrow, i cant help." How many students will say:" I have a final in Business Statistics, i cant waste any time for you?" How many people are going to take these "others" into their homes and feed them, and take them to Marshalls and clothe them, and give them shelter until they can find a means of sustenance?

About 1400+ years ago, there were a group of immigrants that came from a city 200 or so miles away to Medinah. The people of Medinah: shopkeepers, vendors, diamond and jewellery sellers and others took these "others" into their houses and fed and cloth them. And they offered their protection. If the "Muhajirs" come to us to seek knowledge, and Islam, why do we turn them away by making excuses? Islam doesnt thrive on excuses and false promises, it lives off sacrifice in this world, for the next.

This is why the Tablighi Jammat focuses on Muslims, and this is the basis of their work.

Seminggu yang lalu

Dah seminggu lbh aku tak menulis. Tak berkesempatan nak duduk lama2 dpn pc kat lib ni. Alhamdulillah semua urusan aku selama seminggu yg lps di permudahkan. Aku dah pakai hp baru, buku2 teks kebanyakannya aku dah beli & yg bestnya loan dah msk. Sem ni aku kene aturkan financial aku dgn cermat dan yg penting sem ni aku kene save rm1000 utk spent for 4 month after graduate.

Insyaallah minggu ni aku nak blk jb. Umi pun dah tertanya2 bila aku nak blk. Kalau aku blk jb mggu ni, cuti mid term ni aku x payah blk sana lagi. Aku nak terus turun kl utk same2 jayakan jorh di sri petaling. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan jorh kali ini & permudahkan juga kpd mereka2 yg azam utk spent 40 days or 4 months in the parth of Allah.